Tuesday 31 January 2017


Kenerek360: SECRETS TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE: SECRETS TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE Studies have shown that an unhappy marriage often leads to depression and a happy one acts as a buffer agai...

Thursday 15 December 2016


Studies have shown that an unhappy marriage often leads to depression and a happy one acts as a buffer against stress. The below are 5 secrets to a happy marriage.

Appreciate your differences
Marriages only succeed when couples accommodate their differences.  Values and perception will differ at least by a little. However, keeping an open mind that is ready to tolerate these differences is very key

Build Trust  
No relationship strives without trust. You need to build lots of trust in your marriage for it to pass the test of time and be a happy one. A lecturer of mine back in college once said' Don't marry her if you don't trust her, because it won't work.' Trust is the foundation of a happy marriage.

Pay Attention to your Spouse
Mutual respect is vital for any marriage. Always give your spouse undivided attention because it shows you respect him/her and value what he/she has to say.

Spend Time Out
Find time to do things you love together. Exercise together, go for walks, to the movies and take on mutually enjoyable tasks together. Spending time together enjoying each other's company will strengthen your happy marriage.

Make Plans and Set goals together
Couples should endeavour to align their individual goals and plans. However, in most cases, new goals will be set. Doing so builds trust and reflects mutual respect.


A person's personality is important as it distinguishes him from other individuals and a positiveone inspires others to follow him as a leader. The below are tips to building a positive personality.

Be Enthusiastic

'Nothing is achieved without enthusiasm' - Ralph Waldo Emerson .Enthusiasm is one of the most attractive qualities a person can have. It inspires confidence and goes hand in hand with success.

Think Win -Win
Win-Win sees life as a cooperative arena not a competitive one. It's a frame of mind that seeks the mutual benefit in all interaction.

Be Responsible
Accepting responsibility shows maturity and is a reflection of our attitude. We promote ourselves when we accept additional responsibilities. People are naturally drawn to people that exhibit responsible behaviour.

Watch what you say.
Be tactful because the words we speak can cause irreparable damage. Don't speak just because you feel you have to say something but because you have something to say. As the saying goes 'A fool speaks without thinking;a wise man thinks before he speaks '.

Be Dependable and Loyal.

People should be able to count on you. An old adage says 'an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness'.
It does not matter how talented, skilful and productive you are, dependability is crucial.